Native Seed Forum
Every year the Nevada Dept. of Agriculture hosts the annual Native Seed Forum, which brings producers, technical experts and land management agencies together to discuss statewide and national seed strategies to support land restoration efforts.
The forum is part of the Nevada Native Seed Partnership, which includes representatives from public land management agencies, like the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service; natural resource agencies, like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Nevada Department of Wildlife, the NDA, and the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; and nonprofit restoration organizations like the Nature Conservancy and the Walker Basin Conservancy. The forum, which includes roundtable discussions and presentations, is open to anyone interested in restoration, including: federal land management agencies, state partners, current seed producers, potential seed producers, seed collectors, conservation groups and seed buyers.

2022 Native Seed Forum
2021 Native Seed Forum
2020 Native Seed Forum
2019 Native Seed Forum
2018 Native Seed Forum
2017 Native Seed Forum
Other Native Seed Resources