Available Ag Literacy Resources

National Agriculture in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix

Description: An online, searchable, and standards-based curriculum map for K-12 teachers. The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science, social studies, and nutrition education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards. Search our instructional, classroom-ready resources now!

Grade Level(s): K-12

Click here to access the curriculum matrix.

Combating Food Insecurity Curriculum


 Description: An engaging middle school-level curriculum consisting of six lessons on world hunger and agriculture's role in finding solutions. Developed by the National Turkey Federation and the National FFA Organization.  

 Grade Level(s): 6-9


   Click here to access the curriculum.



Healthy Eating, Smart Learning – Nevada School Meal Pattern Activity Booklet Series

Description: Inspired by Nevada's School Meal Pattern, each activity booklet addresses one of the food groups on a student's breakfast or lunch tray. Students learn about healthy eating, food and agriculture, a connection of a food group to Nevada, career opportunities and more.

Grade Level(s): 3-5

Available Activity Booklet for Download


Hungry Pests - Educator Tools



 Hungry pests are invasive species that threaten to harm our crops and trees. Left unchecked, they can devastate entire agricultural industries, eliminating jobs, threatening our food supplies and costing billions. There are things that each of us can do to help stop the spread. It's up to each of us to be sure that we're not packing a pest when we move things outdoors, go camping, or travel internationally. 

The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has created tools for educators to utilize including: 

  • middle school curriculum
  • service learning curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school
  • Youth activities, videos, booklets and more! 

Grade Level(s): K-12

Click here to view the educator tools.


Journey 2050 

 Description: How will we sustainably feed over 9 billion people by the year 2050? Journey 2050 takes students on a virtual farm simulation that explores world food sustainability. Using an inquiry-based
approach the program encourages students to make decisions and adjust them as they see their impact on society, the environment and the economy at a local and global scale. The students experience
the lives of three farm families in Kenya, India, and Canada.

Visit Journey 2050 

Grade Level(s): Lesson Plans available for grade bands 6-8 and 9-12.

 Journey 2050 banner


Moolissa & Moonique, the Incredible Milking Cows

 Description: Moolissa and Moonique are a life-size, interactive educational tool, allowing children of all ages to learn the art of milking and have lots of fun doing it! Made from fiberglass for easy transport, she is suitable for both indoor and outdoor events. Each cow utilizes a hidden pump to deliver fluid (water for demonstration purposes) from the holding tank to the udder to the milking pail. Moolissa is based in Sparks and covers events in Northern Nevada, while Moonique is based in Vegas and covers events in Southern Nevada.

Available for visits to schools and community events upon staff availability.


Grade Level(s): All ages are attracted to Moolissa & Moonique and there are numerous dairy lesson online for targeted grade levels.

Request Moolissa or Moonique for an event.

My Plate, My State Teacher Toolkit

Description: USDA offers a toolkit for teachers that can be used to discuss the role of local agriculture and nutrition in the classroom. The toolkit provide links to lesson plans around gardening, agriculture and nutrition and more.

Grade Level(s): Pre-K – 6

Click here to view the USDA MyPlate, MyState toolkit for teachers.

Nevada Agriculture and Water Educational Series


Description: Water is an important and limited natural resource in Nevada. We know there are multiple use demands on our watersheds. Help your students explore the history of Nevada water, and explore how Nevada farmers and ranchers are using science and technology to be good stewards of this limited resource. 


Accompanying the lesson plans is a video series in which kid interviewers follow water from snowpack to the farms that grow food. They interact with experts and learn about career opportunities in food, agriculture, and natural resources. Each video clip is under 3 minutes in length. 

Grade Level(s): 3-5

Click here to view lesson plans. 

Click here to view the video clips.

Click here to request printed booklet of lesson plans. 



Nevada Agriculture Map 


Description: When kids know where their food comes from, they are more likely to make healthy, nutrition-conscious choices. This double sided poster offers information about the food process and what agriculture looks like in Nevada. 

Grade Level(s): K-12




NV Ag Map

 School Garden Programs

Description: School gardens are one of the most powerful influences in the lives of students; they can significantly help to promote healthy habits and behavior in children. A school garden puts the natural world at students' fingertips. They nurture a child's curiosity and desire to explore the world. Educators find that school gardens create the framework for interdisciplinary, collaborative, student-centered, experiential, and engaged learning.

Grade Level(s): K-12


Need resources to help your school develop an engaging school garden program? Click here.



Science & Social Studies in the Sagebrush Ecosystem

Description: Compilation of resources for background information, lesson plans, and educational resources related to sagebrush ecosystems. Specifically focuses on the topics of: sagebrush ecosystems and their plant communities, soils, encroachments and invasives, livestock grazing and animal habitats including efforts around sage grouse. Resources were identified to assist in meeting Next Generation Science Standards and Nevada State Academic Content Standards for Social Studies.

Grade Level(s): 6-9

View list of educational resources for topics related to Nevada's Sagebrush ecosystems


 Stewards of the Rangeland Series Educational Units

Description: Adapted from the award winning documentary series “Stewards of the Rangeland," which aired on KNPB. Educational resources were developed on Rangeland Water and The Endangered West. The KNPB website provides links to standards-based lesson plans and suggested video clips from the documentaries for educators to utilize in the classroom.

Grade Level(s): 7-8

View the lesson plans and video clips at KNPB.

Weed Warriors Curriculum

Description: NDA collaborated on the development of this curriculum as part of Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Warriors education series and focuses on the destructive effect of invasive weeds on our habitat and economy.

Grade Level(s): 4-6

Download Curriculum and request a Weed Warrior Presentation in your classroom or club.

Check out a Weed Warrior Box
Provides educators with hands-on activities and curriculum for a unit (1-2) weeks. The box can be checked out on first come, first-served basis, delivered to your school, complete with enough supplies to teach your students a variety of lessons. Keep for three weeks to teach your lessons and then return to the NDA for the next teacher to utilize.

Click here to check out a Weed Warrior Box.