Division of Plant Health and Compliance Meetings, Workshops and Hearings

Learn about the NDA Administrative Rulemaking Process and opportunities for all interested parties to provide input on proposed regulation changes. 

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Division of Plant Health and Compliance Meetings, Workshops and Hearings
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Amendment to NAC 586
09:00 AM
originate iconSparks Large Conference Room - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street Sparks, NV 89431 - Sparks, NV
phone icon - See Agenda for Teams call in number -
Agenda, Small Business Impact Statement, and Proposed Amendment to NAC 586
Notice of Hearing on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
10:00 AM
originate iconSparks Large Conference Room - Nevada Department of Agriculture 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
phone icon - See Agenda for Teams call in number -
Specialty Crop Block Funds Hearing
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
10:00 AM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office at 1085 Fairgrounds Rd - Winnemucca, NV
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management meeting
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
03:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture at 405 S 21st St - Sparks, NV
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management meeting
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
11:00 AM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office at 815 N 2nd St - Battle Mountain, NV
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management meeting
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
4:30 PM
originate icon - Nannini Administration Building Suite 102 at 540 Court St - Elko, NV
Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
10:00 AM
originate icon - Eureka County Natural Resources Office at 701 S Main St - Eureka, NV
Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
Notice of Hearing on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
10:00 AM
Notice of Hearing on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
04:00 PM
originate icon - Eureka County Offices; 701 S. Main Street - Eureka, NV
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Notice
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
01:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Notice
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
09:00 AM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office; 1085 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Notice
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
03:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Notice
Regulation Adoption Hearing NAC 555 and 586 on 12.08.22
10:00 AM
NAC 555 and 586 Hearing 12.08.22 Notice and AgendaNAC 555 and 586 Hearing for AdoptionNAC 555 Small Business Impact Statement final signedNAC 586 SBI 8-2021 signedR048-21PR077-21RP1NRS233B.0608
NAC 554 Hearing on 6.07.22
10:00 AM
NAC 554 Hearing 6.07.22 Notice and AgendaNAC 554 Public Hearing for Adoption meeting recordingNAC 554 Revisions - LCB File No. R130-20NAC 554 Small Business Impact Statement 11.12.21
NAC 552 Public Hearing (apiary regulation changes) on 5.31.22
10:30 AM
NAC 552 Public Hearing Notice and AgendaNAC 552 Public Hearing Meeting RecordingNAC 552 Proposed Language ChangesNAC 552 Small Business Impact Statement
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Public Meeting - Eureka
10:00 AM
originate icon - Eureka County Offices, 701 S. Main Street - Eureka, NV
2022 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Public Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Public Meeting - Elko
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
2022 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Public Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Public Meeting - Battle Mountain
01:00 PM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office, 815 N Second Street - Battle Mountain, NV
2022 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Public Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Public Meeting - Winnemucca
10:00 AM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office, 1085 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
2022 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Public Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management Public Meeting - Sparks
4:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
2022 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Public Meeting Notice
NAC 587 Hearing on 3.10.22
NAC 587 Hearing Notice and Agenda 3.10.22NAC 587 Hearing Adoption Meeting MinutesNAC 587 Revised Draft of Proposed RegulationsNAC 587 Small Business Impact Statement, May 2021NAC 587 Small Business Impact Survey Report, August 2021
NAC 552 Public Workshop (apiary regulation changes) on 2.16.22
10:30 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 552 Public Workshop Notice and AgendaNAC 552 Workshop RecordingNAC 552 Proposed Language Changes 12.21.21NAC 552 Small Business Impact Statement 12.13.21NAC 552 Small Business Impact Survey Responses
NAC 554 Workshop 1.13.22
10:00 AM
NAC 554 Workshop 1.13.22 Notice and AgendaNAC 554 Revisions 11.30.21NAC 554 Small Business Impact Statement 11.12.21Workshop Recording
NAC 587 Workshop 10.26.21
NAC 587 Workshop Notice and Agenda 10.26.21NAC 587 Workshop 10.26.21 RecordingNAC 587 Small Business Impact StatementNAC 587 Revised Draft of Proposed RegulationsNAC 587 Small Business Impact Survey Report
NAC 555 and 586 Workshop 9.22.21
09:30 AM
NAC 555 and 586 Notice and AgendaNAC 555 and 586 Workshop MinutesNAC 555 and 586 Workshop RecordingNAC 555 RevisionsNAC 586 RevisionsUpdated NAC 555 RevisionsNAC 555 Small Business Impact Statement 1NAC 555 Small Business Impact Statement 2NAC 586 Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 557 Final Adoption Hearing 9.16.21
10:00 AM
Notice of Hearing and AgendaMeeting RecordingMeeting RecordingSmall Business Impact StatementNAC 557 R011-21 Final Language
NAC 555 Workshop Notice 08.04.21
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 555 Workshop Notice and Agenda 08.04.21NAC 555 Workshop Minutes 08.04.21NAC 555 Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 6.23.21
10:00 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and AgendaNAC 557 Workshop Minutes 06.23.2021NAC 557 Workshop Recording 06.23.2021Small Business Impact NAC 557Temporary Reg draft NAC 557_T001-21 w revisions
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
06:00 PM
video icon - Remote meeting - via Zoom
Notice of Open Meeting on Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper ManagementYoutube Recording of MeetingMormon Cricket and Grasshopper Report Form Rangeland Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket Program Environmental DocumentsGrasshopper Mormon CricketMormon Cricket Fact SheetValley Grasshopper Fact SheetClearwinged Grasshopper Fact SheetMigratory Grasshopper Information2021 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Proposed Treatment Sites - Austin2021 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Proposed Treatment Sites - Battle Mountain2021 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Proposed Treatment Sites - Eureka2021 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Proposed Treatment Sites - Orovada/Paradise Valley2021 Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Proposed Treatment Sites - Winnemucca/Grass ValleyMORMON CRICKET & GRASSHOPPER SURVEY AND SUPPRESSION PROGRAM PRESENTATION
Notice of hearing on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
10:00 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
Notice of hearing on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
NAC 557 - Notice of Hearing For the Adoption of Temporary Regulations 1-12-2021
09:30 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 557 Notice of Hearing 1.12.21Temporary Reg draft NAC 557Small Business Impact NAC 557
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 11-4-20
09:30 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 11.4.20NAC 557-Small Business Impact meeting minutesR145-20-Workshop_NAC_revisions_11.20.2020Small Business Impact NAC 557
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 10-9-20
09:30 AM
video icon - Remote Meeting - Via Webex
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 10-9-20NAC 557 10-9-2020 Meeting RecordingSmall Business Impact NAC 557R145-20
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda
09:30 AM
video icon - Remote meeting - Via Webex
NAC 557 Workshop Notice and Agenda 8.27.20NAC 557 8-27-2020 Meeting RecordingSmall Business Impact Survey-NAC 557_FINAL_8.10.20CHAPTER 557-NAC Proposed Changes
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Austin
01:00 PM
originate icon - Austin Ranger District Office, 100 Midas Canyon Road - Austin, NV
2/22/2019 1PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Eureka
10:00 AM
originate icon - Eureka Natural Resource Center, 10 N. Monroe Street - Eureka, NV
2/22/2019 10AM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Elko
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
2/21/2019 4PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Battle Mountain
01:00 PM
originate icon - Lander County Cooperative Extension, 815 N. 2nd Street - Battle Mountain, NV
2/21/2019 1PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Winnemucca
09:00 AM
originate icon - Humboldt County Cooperative Extension, 1082 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
2/21/2019 9AM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Sparks
03:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
2/20/2019 3PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comment on Proposed Regulation Changes
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
5/10/2018 Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 554
Hearing Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation - NAC 555
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
3/23/2018 Meeting Notice and Agenda
Noxious Weeds
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comment on Proposed Regulation Changes
08:30 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
3/7/2018 Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 557 Industrial Hemp
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
2:00 PM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office, 1085 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
3/1/2018 2PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
11:30 AM
originate icon - Cooperative Extension Office, 815 N. Second St. - Battle Mountain,NV
Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
08:00 AM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
04:00 PM
originate icon - White Pine County Library at 950 Campton Street - Ely, NV
2/28/2018 4PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice and Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
2/27/2018 Meeting Notice and Agenda
Hearing Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation - NAC 587
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E.St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
12/20/2017 Meeting Notice and Agenda
Industrial Hemp Seed
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comment on Proposed Regulation Changes
09:00 AM
originate icon - 4955 Energy Way - Reno, NV
video icon - 2621 Northgate Lane, Suite 12 - Carson City, NV
video icon - 701 Walnut Street - Elko, NV
video icon - 995 Campton - Ely, NV
video icon - 701 South Main St. - Eureka, NV
video icon - 111 Scheckler Road - Fallon, NV
video icon - 1325 Waterloo Lane - Gardnerville, NV
video icon - 8050 Paradise Road, Suite 100 - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 1897 N. Moapa Valley Blvd. - Logandale, NV
video icon - 810 6th Street - Lovelock, NV
video icon - 10855 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
video icon - 504 South Main Street - Yerington, NV
12/14/2017 Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 555 Noxious Weeds
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comment on Proposed Regulation Changes
08:30 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
12/8/2017 Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 555
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comment on Proposed Regulation Changes
10:30 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
11/29/2017 Proposed Reg Changes Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 557
Hearing Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation - NAC 557 - Industrial Hemp
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/29/2017 9AM Industrial Hemp NAC 557 Meeting Agenda
Hearing Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation - NAC 557
08:30 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/29/2017 8:30 AM Industrial Hemp NAC 557 Meeting Agenda
Industrial Hemp
Hearing Notice of Intent to Act Upon a Regulation - NAC 555 - Pesticides
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
live icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/13/2017 Pesticides Hearing Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 587 - Hemp Seed
03:00 PM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
11/7/2017 Hemp Seed Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 576 - Certified Producer and Produce Vendor Certificates
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vega, NV
10/26/2017 Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 557 - Pesticide
01:30 PM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louise Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
10/17/2017 Pesticide Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 557 - Industrial Hemp
01:00 PM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louise Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
10/17/2017 Industrial Hemp Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations - NAC 555 - PCO Licensing
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louise Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho Street - Elko, NV
9/5/2017 PCO Licensing Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 587
02:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
8/16/2017 Meeting Notice and Agenda
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations - NAC 557
01:30 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
8/16/2017 Notice of Workshop Agenda
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations - NAC 552
01:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
8/16/2017 Hearing Meeting Notice and Agenda
Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations - NAC 557 - Hemp Fee Clarification
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 East St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 East Idaho Street - Elko, NV
3/1/2017 Hemp Fee Clarification Meeting Agenda and Support Material
Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations - NAC 587
08:30 AM
originate icon - 405 South 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 East St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 East Idaho Street - Elko, NV
3/1/2017 Hearing Meeting Agenda and Support Material
Certification of Industrial Hemp Seed
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Elko
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
2/22/2017 4PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Battle Mountain
01:00 PM
originate icon - Lander County Cooperative Extension, 815 North Second St. - Battle Mountain, NV
2/22/2017 1PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Winnemucca
10:00 AM
originate icon - Humboldt County Cooperative Extension, 1085 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
2/22/2017 10AM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
2/21/2017 4PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Notice
3rd Meeting on Revised Bill Draft Review 49-176 (AB 32)
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 East St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 East Idaho Street - Elko, NV
1/19/2017 Meeting Notice1/19/2017 Bill Draft Review - Revised
Pest Control Program
Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulation
08:30 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
1/18/2017 8:30AM Workshop Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 587 - Industrial Hemp
Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulation
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
1/18/2017 8:00AM Workshop Meeting Notice and Agenda
NAC 557 - Industrial Hemp
2nd Meeting on Revised Bill Draft Review 49-176 (AB 32)
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 East St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 East Idaho Street - Elko, NV
12/13/2016 Meeting Recording12/13/2016 Bill Draft Review - Revised
Pest Control Program
Workshop for Proposed Regulation NAC 555
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
12/1/2016 Meeting Agenda
Pest Control Operators Licensing
Meeting on Approval of Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funds
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/10/2016 Meeting Notice and Agenda
1st Meeting on Revised Bill Draft Review 49-176 (AB 32)
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
10/24/2016 Meeting Recording10/24/2016 Bill Draft
Pest Control Program
Workshop for NAC 555
03:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Meeting Notice and Agenda10/17/2016 Meeting Recording
Pest Control Operators Licensing
Workshop for NAC 557
02:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Workshop NAC557 Meeting Notice and Agenda10/17/2016 Workshop NAC557 Meeting Recording
Hemp Fee Clarification
Workshop for NAC 555
01:30 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Workshop NAC555 Meeting Notice and Agenda10/17/2016 Workshop NAC555 Meeting Recording
Pesticide Used on Crops Grown for Seed
Workshop for NAC 552
01:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Workshop NAC552 Meeting Notice and Agenda10/17/2016 Workshop NAC552 Meeting Recording
Bee Removal Permit
Hearing for Medical Marijuana - R089-15
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st Street - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Avenue - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Marijuana R089-15 Hearing Notice10/17/2016 Marijuana R089-15 Hearing Recording
Hearing for Aquaculture - R146-16
09:30 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Aquaculture - R146-16 Hearing Notice10/17/2016 Aquaculture - R146-16 Hearing Recording
Hearing for Fertilizer - R147-16
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
10/17/2016 Fertilizer - R147-16 Hearing Notice10/17/2016 Fertilizer - R147-16 Hearing Recording
Workshop on Proposed Regulation NAC 588
09:30 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
10/17/2016 NAC 588 Workshop Agenda
Commercial Fertilizer and Agricultural Minerals
Workshop on Proposed Regulation
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 E. St. Louis Ave. - Las Vegas, NV
5/16/2016 Meeting Agenda and Notice
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Elko
04:00 PM
originate icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
2/23/2016 Notice of Public Meeting
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Battle Mountain
01:00 PM
originate icon - Battle Mountain, Cooperative Extension Office - Battle Mountain
2/23/2016 1PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Winnemucca
10:00 AM
originate icon - Winnemucca, Cooperative Extension - Winnemucca
2/23/2016 10AM Mormon Cricket Meeting Agenda
Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Sparks
06:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
2/22/2016 6PM Mormon Cricket Meeting Agenda
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
2/22/2016 Meeting Notice and Agenda2/22/2016 LCB Draft of Proposed Regulation R085-15
NAC 557 Hemp
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations
01:00 PM
originate icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, 4955 Energy Way - Reno, NV 89502
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, 701 Walnut Street - Elko, NV 89801
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, 8050 Paradise Road, Ste. 100 - Las Vegas, NV 89123
1/20/2016 Meeting Agenda & Notice1/20/2016 Meeting Minutes
Pesticide Regulations - NAC 555
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations
01:00 PM
originate icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 4955 Energy Way - Reno, NV
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 701 Walnut St. - Elko, NV
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 8050 Paradise Road, Ste 100 - Las Vegas, NV
12/20/2015 - Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations
Pest Control Operator Licensing - NAC 555
Notice of Hearing for the Adoption of Regulations - CANCELLED
originate icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 4955 Energy Way - Reno, NV
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 701 Walnut St. - Elko, NV
video icon - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension - 8050 Paradise Road, Ste 100 - Las Vegas, NV
CANCELLED - Pest Control Operator Licensing - NAC 555
Notice of Hearing for the Adopt of Regulations
09:30 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/23/2020 Meeting Agenda
NAC 588
Notice of Hearing for the Adopt of Regulations
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
video icon - 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
11/23/2015 Meeting Agenda
NAC 555
Notice of Hearing for the Adopt of Regulations
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/21/2015 Meeting Notice and Agenda9/21/2015 Proposed Regulation R026-15
NAC 554.055, .730, .765, .769, .910, and .920
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
03:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 3PM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 3PM NAC 588 - Fertilizer9/9/2015 3PM Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 588 - Fertilizer
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
02:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 2PM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 2PM NAC 555 - Weed Free Certification9/9/2015 2PM Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 555 - Weed Free Certification
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
01:00 PM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 1PM Meeting and Agenda9/9/2015 1PM NAC 453A - Medical Marijuana9/9/2015 1PM Small Business Impact Statement9/9/2015 1PM Public Comments
NAC 453A - Medical Marijuana
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
11:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 11AM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 11AM NAC 576 - Producer Certificates9/9/2015 11AM Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 576 - Producer Certificates
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 10AM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 10AM Title 49 - Hemp9/9/2015 10AM Small Business Impact Statement
Title 49 - Hemp
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
09:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 9AM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 9AM NAC 555 - Pesticides9/9/2015 9AM Small Business Impact Statement9/9/2015 9AM Public Comments
NAC 555
CANCELLED - Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
08:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
9/9/2015 8AM Meeting Notice and Agenda9/9/2015 8AM NAC 576 - Pesticide Free Certificates9/9/2015 8AM Small Business Impact Statement
NAC 576 - Pesticide Free Certificate--CANCELLED
Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations
10:00 AM
originate icon - 405 S. 21st St. - Sparks, NV
video icon - 2300 McLeod St. - Las Vegas, NV
8/10/2015 Meeting Notice
NAC 554.055, 730, 765
Notice of Public Meeting Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
04:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Dept. of Agriculture – 4780 E. Idaho St. - Elko, NV
2/10/2015 Meeting Notice
Notice of Public Meeting Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
01:00 PM
originate icon - Notice of Public Meeting Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management - Battle Mountain, NV
2/10/2015 Meeting Notice
Notice of Public Meeting Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
10:00 AM
originate icon - Humboldt County Cooperative Extension – 1085 Fairgrounds Road - Winnemucca, NV
2/10/2015 Meeting Notice
Notice of Public Meeting Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Management
06:00 PM
originate icon - Nevada Department of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st. Street - Sparks, NV
2/9/2015 Meeting Notice