Pest Control Licensing Requirements
Who must have a pest control license?
- Anyone who applies pesticides for hire. Pesticides
include insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides and plant growth
- Anyone who works in the business of pest control by applying pesticides and using mechanical devices to exterminate, prevent, destroy, or repel pests.
- Anyone who sells or advertises pest
control services
- Anyone who performs pest inspections for
Controlling pigeons and other vertebrate pests using mechanical devices does not require a license.
What is a Restricted-Use Pesticide Certification?
- Restricted-Use Pesticides (RUPs) are pesticides that have the
potential to cause unreasonable adverse effects to the environment and injury
to applicators or bystanders without added restrictions.
- RUPs are not available
for purchase or use by the general public, and require a certification to
purchase or use.
- RUP Certificate holders are not licensed to perform for-hire
pest control or solicit pest control services.
Who must have a Restricted-Use Pesticide Certification?
- Anyone who purchases or uses restricted-use pesticides
- Federal, state, or local government employees who use pesticides as part of their job duties
- Anyone who conducts training of agricultural workers or handlers covered by the Worker Protection Standard
- The Nevada Cannabis Control Board requires each cultivation facility to employ at least one certified applicator
Information about RUP certifications can be found on the Environmental Services section of our website