
  • Photo of various melon varieties, both whole and sliced, on a table.


Choose melons that are firm. Avoid fuzzy, bruised, cut or dented melons. It should feel heavy for its size when picked up. If choosing a watermelon, it should have a creamy yellow spot where it sat on the ground and ripened.


    Store whole melons at room temperature. Cut melon should be stored in an airtight container in refrigerator and can be kept for up to five days.


      Watermelon Gazpacho

      4 cups Watermelon (cubed)
      1 Cucumber (peeled, coarsely chopped)
      1 clove Garlic (minced)
      2 tablespoons Onion (chopped)
      2 teaspoons Lime juice
      1 teaspoon Olive oil
      1 tablespoon fresh Basil (chopped)
      1/8 teaspoon ground Black pepper
      1/2 Jalapeño pepper (seeded and chopped, optional)

      1. In a small bowl, mix 1 cup of cubed watermelon and 1/2 of chopped cucumber; set aside.
      2. Process remaining ingredients in a food processor or blender until puréed.
      3. Transfer all ingredients to a large bowl and stir.
      4. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

      View more recipes and information at USDA's Seasonal Produce Guide - watermelon.