Nevada Pesticide Applicators Continuing Education Course Approval Guide for Providers

General Requirements:

Nevada pesticide regulations allow Commercial Pesticide Applicators (Principals and Operators) to renew their Nevada Pest Control License by accumulating Continuing Education Units or CEU's for attending training courses accredited (approved) by the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA). Seminars, classes, meetings, and other training activities must be accredited by NDA prior to their commencement.

  • To obtain accreditation from the Director for a course of continuing education, the sponsor of the course must submit to the Department, at least 7 days before the first day of the course:

  • To equal one unit of continuing education, the course for which the application is submitted must consist of at lest 50 minutes of instruction and be directly related to:
         (a) The control or management of pests;
         (b) The classification or usage of pesticides;
         (c)  The safe handling or dispensing of pesticides; or
         (d) A law or regulation concerning the use of pesticides.

Internet Courses

  • A licensee must receive a grade of at least 70 percent on an examination, conducted upon completion of the course or presentation, which must consist of not fewer than 10 questions covering each 50 minutes of instruction. A licensee who receives a grade of less than 70 percent on an examination may, not more than 30 days after being notified of his or her grade, take a different examination covering the same course or presentation which meets the requirements of this section. The licensee will receive credit for the completion of a unit of continuing education if he or she receives a grade of at least 70 percent on such a subsequent examination.

Approval Guide:

Continuing Education Forms: