Pest Control Applicator - Examination Contents, Retesting, etc.

Examinations are broken down into three main categories; Aerial, Agricultural Ground, and Urban and Structural

  • The following will be the breakdown for applicator examinations:
    • Principals - Each Principal applicant must pass written examinations in the following areas:
      • Core; and
      • Laws and regulations; and
      • Specific category(ies) of pest control in which the applicant has requested to be licensed.

    • Operators - Each Operator applicant must pass written examinations in the following areas:
      • Core; and
      • Specific category(ies) of pest control in which the applicant has requested to be licensed. 
    •  Agents - Each Agent applicant must pass a Core written examination annually.

Passing Scores for each examination is as follows:

  • Principal examinations: 70% for each written examination.
  • Operator, consultant, demonstration and research specialist, and agent examinations: 65% for each written examination.


  • Applicants who fail to pass a section of an examination may be retested upon the expiration of the following minimum waiting periods:
    • Operator, consultant, demonstration and research specialist, and agent - 7 days
    • Principal - 10 days

Other Requirements:

  • Any applicant who uses an unauthorized aid (including cell phones, two way radios, etc.) during an examination must be excluded from the remainder of the examination and must not be allowed to take another examination for at least 6 months.
  • If you no show for a Principal examination, you will have to come in to the examining office of the NDA to pre-pay for all your examinations, thereafter. All pre-paid examination fees are non-refundable! If you do make an appointment for an examination and/or do not show for the examination on time, you will lose your exam fee. 
  • Cancellation/re-scheduling of examination appointments: You must give the NDA at least 48 hour notice if you wish to cancel and/or reschedule your examination appointment.