Noxious Weed Education and Outreach Program
Noxious weed awareness is the first step in successful statewide noxious weed management and noxious weed infestation prevention. For this reason, the NDA noxious weed program commits resources and staff time specifically to increasing outreach regarding noxious weeds and the negative impacts associated with them.
The NDA Noxious Weed Program can provide the following services:
- General program or noxious weed presentations (i.e. plant identification, EDDMapS, Other ways to report noxious weeds, biocontrol program and agents)
- Teacher trainings with noxious weed curriculum and classroom tools
- Noxious weed data collection such as utilizing EDDMapS (Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System) in the field. NDA currently uses EDDMapS to track invasive plants and listed noxious weed species. NDA is available to do additional EDDMapS trainings. For more information. Please see the EDDMapS trainings links at
- Meetings for local clubs (i.e. biking/running/skiing clubs)
The NDA Noxious Weed Program can be available to participate in the following events:
- School Educational Days (i.e. Ag in the Classroom, FFA events)
- Natural resources/noxious weed workshops (i.e. Weed Warriors)
- Annual Meetings/conferences (i.e. Nevada Weed Management Association Conference, NAISMA Annual Conference)
- UNR Extension Pesticide Safety Trainings
- NISAW (National Invasive Species Awareness Week)
- KTMB (Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful) cleanup and/or educational events

If you are interested in learning more information or attending NDA noxious weed education and outreach activities/programs, please contact the NDA Noxious Weed Team at or the NDA Noxious Weed Coordinator at (775) 353-3640.