NDOT Weed Management Plan

Program Contact

Morgan Etnyre
Office: (775) 353-3673

    NDOT Weed management plan

    Purpose: This page is designed to assist NDOT contractors develop a noxious weed management plan.  



    NAC 555
    NRS 555

    637.01.04 Special provision language

    637.01.04 Noxious Weed Management. Develop and follow a Noxious Weed Management Plan to prevent the establishment and spread of Nevada State listed noxious weeds per NRS 555 (available at http://agri.nv.gov/Plant/Noxious_Weeds/Noxious_Weeds_Home/). Submit a copy of the Noxious Weed Management Plan for review and approval at the pre-construction conference. The management plan shall include a physical survey of noxious weeds, mapping of existing noxious weed populations, appropriate eradication/control methods based on weed type, location, applicator certification, monitoring, and retreatment as necessary. Include methods for keeping equipment, personnel, staging areas, construction and excavation sites, and roadways clear of noxious weed plants and seeds. The plan shall also address the treatment of weeds in topsoil salvage material. Equipment leaving noxious weed infested areas shall be cleaned prior to moving to areas free from noxious weeds. Equipment coming into or leaving the project area shall be cleaned and the cleaning area kept clear of plant material and contaminated dirt to prevent weed spread. The cleaning method shall be as approved.