NDOT Weed Management Plan

Program Contact

Morgan Etnyre
Office: (775) 353-3673

    NDOT Weed management plan

    Purpose: This page is designed to assist NDOT contractors develop a noxious weed management plan.  



    637.01.04 Noxious Weed Management

    Develop a Noxious Weed Management Plan, herein after referred to as “the plan,” to prevent the spread and establishment of Nevada state listed noxious weeds detailed in NRS Chapter 555 and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 555. As the program regulators identified in NRS Chapter 555 and NAC Chapter 555, the Nevada Department of Agriculture must review and approve the plan prior to staging, mobilization, and ground disturbance activities. The approved plan shall be executed throughout the duration of the project.

    A biologist, botanist, or equivalent as approved by the Engineer familiar with the identification and mapping of noxious weeds shall conduct a survey of the project limits including all areas scheduled for ground disturbance, material sites, shoulders where construction vehicles and machinery may park, and staging areas. If noxious weeds are present, the surveyor shall document and delineate population locations for inclusion within the plan. Give a minimum of 48 hours notification in advance of performing the initial survey, allowing the Engineer the opportunity to conduct a pre-activity meeting. Subsequent surveys and reassessment may be required by the Engineer if the initial survey is completed outside of the primarily observed noxious weed growing season.

    The plan shall be developed to select control or treatment methods appropriate for each species observed and submitted to the Engineer for further coordination with Nevada Department of Agriculture. Define timing of proposed treatments, applicator information, safety measures, environmental concerns, follow-up treatments, monitoring, and rehabilitation and/or revegetation practices post treatment. Chemical treatments must be conducted in accordance with laws, regulations, and policies governing the landowner and must be documented and reported to the Engineer within 30 days post treatment.

    The plan shall also include identification of areas where noxious weed populations are to be avoided outside of anticipated disturbance limits. These areas shall be clearly flagged or temporarily fenced and maintained for avoidance.

    All soils where noxious weeds are documented are to be considered contaminated soils and cannot be salvaged as topsoil. The plan shall include methods for disposal of contaminated soils according to Subsection 107.14, or as approved by the Engineer.

    To prevent spread within the project area, the plan must include methods for keeping contractor equipment, personnel, staging areas, construction and excavation sites, and roadways clear of noxious weed plants and seeds. Equipment leaving noxious weed infested areas shall be decontaminated before moving vehicles to new locations outside the contaminated areas.

    For additional information on noxious weeds in Nevada, go to:  


     NRS Chapter 555 – Control of Insects, Pests, and Noxious Weeds


     Nevada Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Program