IWM Technique: Grazing
Definition: Targeted use of sheep, goats, or cattle to selectively overgraze noxious weeds
When is grazing recommended?
- The weed is palatable and non-toxic to livestock
- The weed is early in its growth cycle and has not produced seed
- The infestation is at a low level and widespread
- Other control methods are not cost effective
Limits to success:
- Need for water, fencing and/or herding to control livestock to particular infested area
- Need for expertise in animal husbandry on your property
- Palatability can change throughout the season and differs depending on the livestock species used
- Weed seeds can be spread in fur or in manure when animals are moved from one area to another if grazing is done after plants have set seed.
- Some noxious weeds are toxic to livestock animals
- Effectiveness declines for perennial plants that do not reproduce solely by seed