Nevada Centennial Ranch and Farm Awards Program
Apply for the Nevada Centennial Awards
To qualify as a Centennial ranch or farm, an applicant’s ranch or farm must have belonged to his or her families for at least 100 years and must be a working ranch or farm with a minimum of 160 acres or if it is less than 160 acres, it must have gross yearly sales of at least $1,000. Centennial ranches and farms will be inducted biannually at the Nevada Governor's Conference on Agriculture. Applications will be accepted at any time.
Click here for the Nevada Centennial Awards application.
Return your completed application to:
Ciara Ressel
405 South 21st Street
Sparks, NV 89431
or via email to
If you have any questions, please contact Ciara Ressel at 775-525-4160 or at

The Nevada Centennial Awards Program recognizes agricultural families who have owned and operated the same land for 100 years or more. Fifty-eight families have now been inducted into the program that began in 2004.
Centennial families will be inducted at the Governor's Conference on Agriculture.
2020 Recipients: Lattin Family (1918) and Weishaupt family (1918)

Lattin Farms
George William Lattin moved to Fallon, Nev. in 1908, after
practicing law and serving as a county judge in South Dakota for twenty-seven
years. In 1918, he purchased an 80-acre parcel of farmland west of Fallon. The
farmland was then sold to his son Ralph where he grew alfalfa, corn and cattle.
Ralph’s two sons Bill and Dick returned from World War II in 1946 and purchased
a neighboring farm as Lattin Brothers. Over the years, Dick focused on cattle
and Bill on farming.
Five generations later, Bill’s son, Rick, continues to farm
the now 400-acre farm. Rick added agritourism to share authentic farm-life and
the Lattin family heritage with the public. 26-acres of the Lattin Farm is open
to the public for the Lattin Grower’s Market and Lattin Kitchen where they sell
homemade jams and bread.
The Lattin family also holds an annual corn-maze and pumpkin
patch during the holiday season.
In addition to the agritourism business, the Lattin family
prides themselves on their famous cantaloupes.
Jill (Daughter of Dick and Jean) and her daughter reside on
the Lattin farm with their families. Rick Lattin, his son, Lance, and daughter,
Laura, continue to help with the agritourism business. Rick’s brother and
sister, Dennis and Vicki, co-own 120 acres of the farm outside of the
agritourism business with another family incorporation where they continue the
Lattin family heritage.

Albert & Addie Weishaupt Family Homestead
On July 31, 1918, Albert and Addie bought 80 acres in Fallon, Nev. and built the Weishaupt Homestead. The land, consisting of mostly brush, was cleared, buildings built, ditches dug, fields planted, and fencing put up around the property.
As their family grew, Albert and Addie built a larger home using salvaged lumber and windows from the old courthouse in Stillwater. They raised five children. Albert farmed the land for alfalfa and raised dairy cows, sheep, hogs and turkeys.
In 1946, Albert and Addie’s youngest son, Karl, returned from serving in World War II and married Bettie Atwater in 1947. They raised three children. In 1977, Karl and Bettie bought the home from his parents. They raised alfalfa and cattle. Bettie passed away in 2013. At the age of 95, Karl still lives on the family ranch where his son, Dana, continues to farm.

2018 Recipients: Miller (1914), Moura (1916) and Pursel (1918) families
Miller Ranch
Miller Ranch, located in Paradise Valley, Nevada, was purchased by Gerhard Miller Sr. in 1914. Gerhard and his wife, Maria Gesina Miller, took care of the 450-acre ranch. When their son, George, married Elisabeth, they leased the upper ranch, where they continued to farm and raise cattle.
Upon Gerhard and Maria’s death, their grandchildren, Paul and Fred, inherited the ranch. When Fred passed away, Paul and his wife purchased Fred’s half of the ranch and converted it into a farm. They installed a water pipe two miles up the mountain to provide irrigation to the land below. As the mountain water decreased, the underground wells provided the water used to maintain the alfalfa and grain.
Today, Paul’s son, Stacy Dean Miller, owns and operates Miller Ranch in Paradise Valley where alfalfa and grain still grow.
Moura Ranch
Moura Ranch was founded in the Upper Valley of Lovelock, Nevada. Manuel and Maria Moreira purchased the original 80 acres of the farm in 1916. A portion of the land was dedicated to Fairview School, where their daughter, Virginia, attended. With the rest of the land, they achieved their dream of owning a farm.
Virginia married Manuel Moura and they purchased additional parcels of land for the growing operation. Virginia and Manuel’s son, Thomas, and his wife, Darlene, continued expanding the farm, adding land and livestock, to what is now known as Moura Ranch.
Currently, Thomas and Darlene’s three children maintain their agricultural legacy. Their daughter, Amy, and her husband, Chad Blanchard, as the Truckee River Federal Water Master, have an indirect role in agriculture. Their son, Mark, married Cody, and they help with her parents’ ranch, SS Cattle Company in Cambridge, Idaho. Thomas and Darlene’s eldest son, Anthony, and his wife, Lisa, handle the daily care of Moura Ranch along with their children, Daralyn and Devin, raising calves and farming alfalfa and grains.
Pursel Farms
In the 1860’s, brothers Henry O. and Morris Pursel migrated from Iowa to Nevada by wagon train. They began farming in Smith Valley, and later, Mason Valley. In 1918, Henry Melvin Pursel, son of Henry O., purchased 160 acres on MacKenzie Lane in Yerington, Nevada. The land was covered with native grasses and brush and two cottonwood trees. Henry and his wife, Rosa, built their house next to one of the two trees and added ditches, leveled land and built what would become Pursel Farms.
As the natural land was turned into farm land, the Pursels grew potatoes and alfalfa and raised cattle. A milking barn, chicken coop and potato cellar were also added to the property. Henry and Rosa’s children, Ralph, Shirley and Henry Ivy, inherited the farm after Henry’s death in 1932. Ralph and his family moved to the property after purchasing the shares of the farm from his siblings. In 1957, Ralph’s son, Melvin, and his wife, Phyllis, purchased the farm from his parents.
oday, the milking barn still stands on the property where Melvin’s son and Henry’s great-grandson, Darrell, and his wife, Suzanne, continue to farm alfalfa and raise cattle.
Past Winners
2017 Recipients
- Bottari Ranch (1916)
- de Braga Ranch (1917)
- Saval Buffalo Ranch (1917)
2015 Recipients
- Stewart's 96 Ranch, Humboldt County (1864)
2014 Recipients
- Triple S Ranch, Washoe County (1874)
- Johnson and Springmeyer families, Douglas County (1870's)
2013 Recipients
- Martin Ranch, Eureka and Nye Counties (1887)
- Manha Farm, Lyon County (1912)
2012 Recipients
- Day-Annett-Costa Ranch, Lyon County (1905)
- Lytle Ranches, Lincoln County (1865)
2011 Recipients
- Robert Getto Farm, Churchill County (1911)
- Getto Farms, Churchill County (1911)
2010 Recipients
- Anker Ranch, Pershing County (1877)
- Anker Ranch, Inc., Pershing County (1877)
- Ankers, Inc., Pershing County (1877)
- Quilici Ranch, Lyon County (1881)
- Skip’s Place, Churchill County (1907)
- Lawrence Ranch, Churchill County (1908)
2009 Recipients
- Bradshaw “End of the Rainbow” Ranch, Lincoln County (1873)
- Bailey Ranch, Eureka County (1875)
- Testolin Ranch, Churchill County (1907)
- Ranch No. 1 (Trimmer/Giovacchini), Douglas County (1909)
- Perfecta Vista Ranches-Mathewson Ranch, Churchill County (1909)
2008 Recipients
- Kallenbach-Ormachea-Sherman Ranch, Churchill County (1908)
2006 Recipients
- The Capurro Brothers, Sparks, Washoe County (1869)
- Duval Ranching Company, Ruby Valley, Elko County (1870)
2005 Recipients
- Blue Eagle Ranch, Tonopah, Nye County (1895)
- Bunker Farm, Bunkerville, Clark County (1901)
- Ferraro Cattle Company, Paradise Valley, Humboldt County (1902)
- Green Springs Ranch, Duckwater, White Pine County (~1899)
- Heise Family Ranch, Gardnerville, Douglas County (1902)
- Krenka Ranch, Ruby Valley, Elko County (1865-1870)
- Laura Springs Ranch, Gardnerville, Douglas County (1863)
- Snyder Livestock Company, Yerington, Lyon County (1887)
- Riordan Ranch, Jiggs, Elko County (1900)
- Stodieck Farm, Minden, Douglas County (1868)
- Wilkinson Little Meadow Ranch, McDermitt, Humboldt County (1900)
2004 Recipients
- Andersen Home Ranch, Carson City (1880’s)
- Buckle D Ranch, Ruby Valley, Elko County(1889)
- Calcutta Ranch, Vya, Washoe County (1885)
- Capurro-Durkee Ranch, Reno, Washoe County (1890)
- Cushman-Corkill Ranch, Fallon, Churchill County (1860)
- Dalton Ranch, Clover Valley, Elko County (1892)
- Glaser Land and Livestock, Halleck, Elko County (1883)
- Heinz Ranch, Reno, Washoe County (1885)
- Henningsen Family Ranch, Gardnerville, Douglas County (1878)
- Hussman Land and Livestock, Gardnerville, Douglas County (1872)
- Mack Land and Cattle, Minden, Douglas County (1860’s)
- Overland Land and Livestock, Ruby Valley, Elko County (1873)
- Pinson Ranch, Golconda, Humboldt County (1884)
- Prunty Family Ranch, Mountain City, Elko County (1894)
- Scossa Ranch, Gardnerville, Douglas County (1872)
- Stewart’s Ninety-Six Ranch, Paradise Valley, Humboldt County (1864)