(SPARKS, Nev.) -
August 01, 2017Bill Striejewske, Ph.D. and senior petroleum chemist for the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s (NDA) Consumer Equitability Division, was recently appointed as chair of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Fuels and Lubricants Subcommittee.
“We are proud to have Bill represent Nevada in the development of nationwide fuel standard recommendations,” Bartley O’Toole, Consumer Equitability division administrator said. “This appointment means our state will have an important voice in the national conversation about petroleum quality standards.”
The NCWM works with state and federal regulating agencies, as well as the industries they serve, to ensure national measurement standards keep pace with evolving technology. The subcommittee provides advice and technical guidance to NCWM’s Laws and Regulations Committee regarding engine fuel quality, petroleum products and automotive lubricants.
Striejewske has been with the NDA Division of Consumer Equitability since 2002 and has his Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry from State University of New York at Buffalo. He has been a member of the Fuels and Lubricants Subcommittee since 2014.
The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) promotes a business climate that is fair, economically viable and encourages a sustainable environment that serves to protect food, fiber and human health and safety through effective service and education. NDA includes the divisions of Administration, Animal Industry, Consumer Equitability, Food and Nutrition and Plant Industry.