Frequently Asked Questions for Farmers

Farmer Frequently Asked Questions

What food safety programs are available for farmers?

The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) provides USDA Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) audits for fruit and vegetable growers.  Good Agriculture Practices are industry recognized best practices that can be implemented to minimize food safety risks on the farm.  The GAP audits verify that on-farm food safety practices are being implemented and records are available to verify best practices.

What is the GAP Farmers Assistance Program?

 The GAP Farmers Assistance Program is a cost-share program, funded by the Nevada Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, available to farmers that participate in the USDA GAP program.  The cost-share will cover approximately 75%-100% of audit costs, depending on funding availability, for farms that successfully complete a USDA GAP audit through the Nevada Department of Agriculture.  The cost-share will also cover costs that help a farm become GAP certified including water testing, soil testing, manure testing, etc.  For additional information visit contact 

Where can a farmer receive training on farm food safety practices?

The Nevada Department of Agriculture collaborates with the University of Nevada, Reno to provide training on Good Agriculture Practices.  Trainings provide information on industry recognized best practices that can be implemented on the farm, to help minimize food safety risks.  For upcoming training information contact

Are there any plans to streamline the food safety process or provide tools for smaller farmers?

The GAP Farmers Assistance Program was created to help small farms become GAP certified in order to demonstrate to customers that safe growing/handling practices are being implemented.  Many retailers require a food safety program and the GAP audit program opens the door for small farmers to enter new markets. 

Where can a farmer find resources on the Good Agriculture Practices?

Various Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) resources can be found at you are interested in receiving technical assistance on how to implement a food safety program, contact Seth Urbanowitz aturbanowitzs@UNCE.unr.eduThe High Desert Farming Initiative is a GAP Certified research farm located at the University of Nevada, Reno.  They also provide technical assistance to farmers interested in GAPs.  If you would like to receive information specific to the GAP audit process contact Ashley Jeppson at