• Houndstongue Plant 215x150

Category A Weed

Borage family (Boraginaceae)

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Houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale)


    • Up to 4 ft. tall and covered with long hairs


      • Alternate; resemble a hound's tongue; lance-shaped, 1-12 in. long, 1-3 in. wide, rough texture and covered with long hairs; edges (margins) lack teeth and lobes

      • Leaf stems (petioles) on lower but not upper leaves; leaves decrease in size from bottom to top of plant


        • Purplish-red flowers with 5 petals; occur in clusters

        • 4 nutlets (seeds) per flower, 0.25 in. long and brownish at maturity; covered with short prickles that can attach to clothing or animal fur


          • Thick, deep taproot


            • Grows best in moist areas; often found in pastures, roadsides, fencelines, waste areas and along waterways; known to occur in Elko, Eureka, Humboldt and Lyon counties

            • Biennial, but sometimes annual or perennial; reproduces by seed

            • Toxic to livestock, especially horses; has a distinctive odor that may cause animals to avoid


              • Mowing or tillage prior to seed production is effective

              • Apply 2,4-D, metsulfuron, picloram or imazapic to actively growing plants prior to bloom

                • Mature plant
                  African mustard - adult plant
                • Seedling
                  Houndstongue Rosette 215x150
                • Flowers
                  Houndstongue Flower 215x150
                • Seed pod with flowers
                  Houndstongue Seed Flower 215x150
                • Attached seeds
                  Houndstongue Seed Attached 215x150
                • MagnifyingGlass