Definition: Implementation of methods to favor desirable plant growth

    Cultural Controls Methods Include:

    • Re-vegetation
    • Fertilization
    • Irrigation
    • Cultivation

      When are cultural controls recommended?

      Proper management of the above methods is always recommended to all land managers. They are ways to keep the land productive and healthy. These methods are particularly useful to look at when you have a large-scale restoration project where you have already achieved control of the noxious weeds and are now looking towards establishing desired vegetation.

        Things to Consider:

        • These methods are not effective if you are just starting to try to control a large noxious weed infestation. Instead they are options to look at when you are at the point of restoring an area that the noxious weeds have been pushed out of and now needs desired species establishment.
        • When re-vegetating, it is important to know exactly what is in the seed miz you might use. Many seed mixes can contain weeds.
        • Inspect equipment before it enters your property because equipment can easily spread noxious weed seeds if not cleaned properly.
        • It is important to not only eliminate noxious weeds, but to establish desired vegetation to compete with other new noxious weed invasions.