Aquatic weed up to 25 ft. long, submersed, slender and branched near water surface
Strap-like (linear) to lance-shaped, 0.25-0.75 in. long and less than 0.2 in. wide; NO leaf stems (petioles); arranged in whorls of 4-8 around stem; edges (margins) are toothed; midvein on leaf underside often has one or more sharp teeth
Small, white, attached to threadlike stalks up to 4 in. long and float on water surface
Unbranched, slender and white; yellowish, potato-like tubers (0.25-0.5 in. diameter) form at root tips
Often found in still or slow-moving water; not known to occur in Nevada
Perennial; reproduces by stem fragments and tubers; occasionally produces turions at leaf axils; turions are mostly cylindrical, dark green reproductive structures up to 0.5 in. long
Listed on the Federal Noxious Weed List
Mechanical removal can be effective but must be done repeatedly; escaped stem fragments can form new plants
Grass carp can be an effective biological control
Aquatic herbicides such as diquat, endothall, fluridone and copper complexes are effective