Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)

Category B Weed

Figwart family (Scrophulariaceae)

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  • Up to 4 ft. tall, lacks hair (glabrous), waxy and branched near the top


    • Alternate and dense; lance-shaped to heart-shaped, 1-2.5 in. long, blue-green color, lack hair and waxy; bases clasp the stem; edges (margins) are smooth


      • Snapdragon-like; 1.5-2 in. long; yellow with an orange-bearded throat and a long spur; clustered along upper part of stem

      • Seed capsules round (less than 0.3 in. diameter) with two chambers, each containing many seeds


        • Creeping root system


          • Grows best in dry, well-drained soils; often infests rangelands, waste areas and roadsides; known to occur in Douglas, Elko, Lincoln, Storey, Washoe and White Pine counties

          • Perennial; reproduces by seed and roots

          • May be toxic to livestock if ingested in large quantities


            • Mechanical control (mowing, burning or tillage) is NOT effective

            • Several biological control agents are available

            • Apply chlorsulfuron, imazapic or picloram, through bloom or to fall rosettes; repeated applications of 2,4-D, dicamba or glyphosate to actively growing plants 


              Dalmatian toadflax mature plant
              Mature Plant
              Dalmatian toadflax Young Plant
              Young Plant
              Dalmatian toadflax Flower
              Dalmatian toadflax Seedling
              Dalmatian toadflax Infestation
              Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide
              Nevada Noxious Weed Guide