Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare)

Category A weed

Grasses family (Poaceae)

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    • Grows in bunches up to 18-36 in. tall and 36 in. wide; stems knotty and branching at the base


      • Flat leaf blades, 3-12 in. long and 0.1-0.3 in. wide with long, soft hairs; sheaths open, keeled and may or may not have long, soft hairs; ligule hairy


        • Purplish to reddish, bottlebrush-like seedhead up to 5 in. long; spikelets in clusters of 2 to 4, each with 2 flowers; spikelets tan, beige or slightly orange at maturity; multiple awns arise from each seed


          • Tough root crown and mass of long, tough roots that can grow up to 8 ft. deep


            • Grows best on disturbed sites and fields; known to occur in Clark county
            • Perennial, large and ragged bunchgrass; drought-tolerant but not cold-tolerant.
            • Fire-adapted species that quickly re-sprouts from root crown after a fire
            • Prolific seed production allows it to form dense colonies that exclude other grass species; rapid growth from seed to flowering in 6 weeks


              • Manual pulling, grubbing and hoeing can be effective on young plants, but the whole root crown must be removed; mowing or disking may increase the infestation
              • Glyphosate and imazapyr effective on actively growing plants (more than 50% green); preemergence herbicides can be used to manage the existing seedbank


                Mature plant


