Up to 5 ft. tall and covered with short hairs
Pinnate-compound; leaflets are oval, opposite, 0.2-0.8 in. long, lack leaf stems (petioles) and covered with short hairs on lower surface
Pea-like, reddish-orange and 0.5 in. long
Pods are oval, bladder-like, translucent and contain many seeds; seeds remain in pods during dispersal
Woody, creeping root system; roots associate with nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Often infests roadsides, fencerows and irrigation ditches; not known to occur in Nevada
Perennial; reproduces by seed and creeping roots
Potential contaminant of alfalfa seed due to similar size, shape and weight
Also known as Swainsonpea
Hand removal of individual plants, including roots, can limit spread of small infestations
Apply 2,4-D to actively growing plants