Additional Resources
The page will be used to identify new and noteworthy advancements within the industrial hemp research and development world. The page is currently undergoing development and will be updated soon with industry news. Any information you would like to have shared on this page can be sent to Rheanna Jackson, the Program Coordinator at Your information will be reviewed for eligibility.
Groups and Associations
a. USDA Acreage Reporting: As listed in the USDA Interim Final Rule, growers are required to file acreage reports. All growers will need to contact their local USDA office to report their hemp acres for all intended uses by August 15th. Growers can use the “find your local service center” tool at to locate their local USDA office. If a grower has not previously participated, more information will be obtained from the grower in order to associate them with a farm record.
b. Crop Acreage Reporting: What You Need to Know: Acreage reports are important in determining grower eligibility for key programs like disaster relief, price support, and conservation programs. The NDA encourages Nevada hemp growers to review valuable resources provided by the USDA.
c. USDA Crop Insurance and Hemp Farm Programs: The USDA provides additional information regarding hemp, crop insurance, and acreage reports at this page.
d. USDA: Disposal Practices vs Disposal Outcome: The USDA provides examples of methods of disposal for non-compliant hemp crops.
e. Remediation and Disposal Guidelines for Hemp Growers: The USDA provides additional information regarding the approved methods to remediate or dispose non-compliant hemp material.
f. USDA Hemp Production Main Page: The USDA provides updates on hemp regulations, the Final Rule, USDA hemp programs, and more.
CBD Information
Meetings and Workshops