Rangeland Health Program
What is the Rangeland Health Program?
The Rangeland Health Program at the Nevada Department of
Agriculture is new to the State of Nevada. The program’s objective is to assist
landowners in developing projects and land management decisions that encourage
economically viable and sustainable practices. This involvement promotes
ecologically sound land management practices and an economically successful
industry for future generations.
The program goals include assisting landowners with on-the-ground
projects while teaching and implementing landowner driven monitoring and
grazing programs, which return a benefit to livestock, the ecosystem (or the
range) and wildlife in Nevada.
By achieving the monitoring and project elements of the
program, the overall goal is to solidify the landowners’ and industry’s
importance in land use decisions related to grazing management, endangered
species and overall ecosystem health.
Current Efforts
- Policy and Agency Process/Document Review
- Landowner/Agency Facilitation
- Landowner Coordination for Monitoring Plots and
Sage-grouse Habitat Rehabilitation Projects
- Rangeland and Project Monitoring App development
- Designing landowner focused monitoring and
mapping coordinated workshops