BOA - Meeting Notice and Agenda - September 5, 2018

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Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action may be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*).  Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.

    1. Open Meeting

    Call meeting to order by Chair Paul Anderson

    A. Pledge of Allegiance

    B. Roll Call

      2. Public Comment

        3. Board Business

        A.  Review the history, current status and trends of the Virginia Range Estray and Feral horses - Doug Farris   (for information)    

          B.  *Oath of office: Tim Duferrena, Charlie Frey, Jim Snyder - Dennis Belcourt, Nevada Deputy Attorney General (for possible action)

            C.  *The Nevada Board of Agriculture directs the Nevada Department of Agriculture, pursuant to NRS 561.245, to draft a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) opposing the BLM Elko District Office’s (EDO) proposed action of requiring crossing permits for trailing livestock within the project area outlined in the BLM Livestock Trailing Programmatic Environmental Assessment for management of livestock trailing in the EDO – Boyd Spratling, Vice Chair (for possible action)

              4. Minutes

              A. *Approve June 6, 2018 meeting minutes (for possible action)

                5. Director's Report

                A. Report – Jerri Conrad, Interim Director (for information)

                B. Director recruitment timeline – Jerri Conrad, Interim Director (for information)

                C. *Board of Agriculture December 2018 meeting, possible date change – Jerri Conrad, Interim Director (for possible action)

                D. *Director seeking input from the board concerning adoption of amendments to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 555 pertaining to pest control applicator licensing, labeling and fees (LCB File No. R 154-17). Director’s Authority. – Jerri Conrad, Interim Director (for possible action)

                  6. Administration

                  A. *Department Prohibitions and Penalties revision review and approval – Kathleen Kirkland, Agency HR (for possible action)

                  B. Board update – Debra Crowley, Fiscal Administrator (for information)

                  C. Board update – Rebecca Allured, Public Information Officer II (for information)

                    7. Animal Industry

                    A. Board update – Doug Farris, Administrator (for information)

                    B. Agricultural Response Management and Resources: Foot and Mouth Disease exercise update – JJ Goicoechea, State Veterinarian (for information)

                      8. Consumer Equitability

                      A. Board update – Cadence Matijevich, Administrator (for information)

                      B. Update on proposed amendment(s) to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 581 revising the device classification description(s) and amount of the fee(s) for the annual licensing of commercial weighing and measuring devices; revising the date by which the Division of Consumer Equitability must send notices of renewal of annual licenses for commercial weighing and measuring devices; revising the date by which payment for the renewal of annual license for commercial weighing and measuring devices is due; revising the device classification description(s) and amount of the fees for certain tests and services; revising the amount of fees for special tests; and revising provisions related to the late fees imposed by the Division of Consumer Equitability for failure to pay a required fee (LCB File No. R172-18). Director’s Authority. – Cadence Matijevich, Administrator (for information)

                        9. Food & Nutrition

                        A. Board update – Homa Anooshehpoor, Administrator (for information)

                          10. Plant Industry

                          A. Board update – Jennifer Ott, Administrator (for information)

                          B. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) presentation – Ashley Jeppson, Agriculturist 4 (for information)

                            11. Public Comment

                              12. Adjornment