BOA - Meeting Notice and Agenda - September 9, 2020

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Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action may be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*).  Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.

    1. Open Meeting

    Call meeting to order by Chair Paul Anderson

    A. Pledge of Allegiance

    B. Roll Call

      2. Public Comment

        3. Minutes

        A. *Approve June 3, 2019 meeting minutes (for possible action)

          4. Director's Report

          A.  Report - Jennifer Ott, Director (for information)

            5. Plant Industry

            A. Board update – Ashley Jeppson, Administrator (for information)

            B. *Purchase order approval to use funds from 4544-10, Assessment for Alfalfa Seed Research for payment to the National Alfalfa Forage Alliance and Western Alfalfa Seed Growers Association (for possible action)

            C. Presentation on Budget Account 4544 and strategies for engaging allium seed industry involving project recommendations – Ashley Jeppson, Administrator (for information)

              6. Consumer Equitability

              A. Board update – Cadence Matijevich, Administrator (for information)

                7. Administration

                A. Board update – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for information)

                B. *Department Personal Appearance policy revision – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for possible action)

                C. *Department Ethical Behavior policy revision – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for possible action)

                D. *Department Employee Termination policy revision – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for possible action)

                E. *Department Recruitment and Hiring policy revision – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for possible action)

                F. *Department Employee Development and Training policy revision – Jerri Conrad, Deputy Director (for possible action)

                  9. Food & Nutrition

                  A. Board update – Homa Anooshehpoor, Administrator (for information)

                    10. Public Comment

                      11. Adjournment