BOA - Meeting Notice and Agenda - June 7, 2017
Contact the Board of Agriculture
Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action may be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*). Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.
1. Open Meeting
Open meeting-call meeting to order by Chair Paul Anderson
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll call
3. Minutes
A. *Approve March 10, 2017 meeting minutes (for possible action)
4. Director's Report
A. Honor former board member Dean Baker
B. Report – Director Barbee (for information)
5. Administration
A. *Department uniform policy revision approval – Debra Crowley, Fiscal Administrator (for possible action)
B. Board update – Debra Crowley, Fiscal Administrator (for information)
C. Board update – Rebecca Allured, Public Information Officer II (for information)
6. Consumer Equitability
A. *Request permission to submit a draft to LCB and go to workshop and hearing to amend NAC 590.065 (for possible action)
B. *Request permission to submit a draft to LCB and go to workshop and hearing to amend NAC Chapter 590 to add NIST Handbook 130 “Uniform Engine Fuels and Automotive Lubricants Regulation” (for possible action)
C. Board update – Bart O'Toole, Administrator (for information)
7. Food & Nutrition
A. *Dairy Commission, approval of resolution language recognizing retiring commissioners – Lynn Hettrick (for possible action)
B. Board update – Donnell Barton, Administrator (for information)
8. Animal Industry
A. *Request permission to submit a draft to LCB and go to workshop and hearing to amend NAC 571.355 – JJ Goicoechea, State Veterinarian (for possible action)
B. Board update – Doug Farris, Administrator (for information)
9. Plant Industry
A. “Safety First, the NDA’s Role in Legalized Marijuana” Presentation – Lynn Hettrick (for information)
B. Board update – Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for information)