BOA - Meeting Notice and Agenda - September 7, 2016

Contact the Board of Agriculture

Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Action may be taken on items preceded by an asterisk (*).  Items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, items may be combined for consideration by the public body; and items may be pulled or removed from the agenda at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson.

    1. Open Meeting

    Call meeting to order by Chair Paul Anderson

    A. Pledge of Allegiance

    B. Roll Call

      2. Public Comment

        3. Minutes

        A.      *Approve June 7, 2017 meeting minutes (for possible action)    

          4. Director's Report

          A.  Report - Director Barbee (for information)
          B.  New Nevada Workforce Development (for information)

            5. Administration

            A.  Board update - Debra Crowley, Fiscal Administrator (for information)
            B.  Board update - Rebecca Allured, Public Information Officer II (for information)
            C. *Department public records request policy revision approval - Rebecca Allured, Public Information Officer II (for possible action)

              6. Consumer Equitability

              A.      Board update - Bart O'Toole, Administrator  (for information)

                9. Plant Industry

                A. Board update - Lynn Hettrick (for information)

                B. Update on adoption of amendments to NAC Chapter 587, relating to the general standards for certification of seed as adopted by the Department and NAC 587.931 to 587.937, inclusive, governing the standards for the certification of industrial hemp seed. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for information)

                C.  Update on adoption of amendments to NAC Chapter 557, relating to hemp fee clarification. – Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for information)

                D. *Request from the Alfalfa Seed Advisory Association to expend $5,000 from the assessment budget as a donation to the National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance to support the research and development of alfalfa seed technologies. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for possible action)

                E.  *Request  to review amendments to NAC 552, relating to unlawful removal of diseased bees without permit. Director's authority. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for possible action)

                F.  *Request to go to workshop and hearing to make amendments to NAC 576, relating to certified producer's certificates. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for possible action)

                G.  *Request to go to workshop and hearing for SB 396, a bill revising provisions relating to the sale of industrial hemp. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for possible action)

                H.  Presentation on NAC 555, regulations related to the control of insects, pests, and noxious weeds. - Ron Balsamo, Pest Control Operator Program Manager (for information)

                I.  *Request to review amendments to NAC chapter 555, relating to pesticide regulation. Director's authority. - Lynn Hettrick, Administrator (for possible action)

                  7. Food & Nutrition

                  A.  Board update - Homa Anooshehpoor, Administrator (for information)
                  B.  *Request to go to workshop and hearing to amend NAC 583 regarding meat, fish, produce, poultry and eggs. - Anna Vickrey, Operations Manager - Food Safety (for possible action)

                    8. Animal Industry

                    A.  Board update - Doug Farris, Administrator (for information)

                      10. Public Comment

                        11. Adjornment